What's it like being a beginner?

If you've just begun or are thinking about trying out your first aerial class/workshop, you are probably full of mixed emotions. You're excited, but nervous and your mind is doing everything it can to come up with possible scenarios on just how this is going to go. Well, I'm here to give you some insight on what it's REALLY like to be a beginner, and especially a beginner at Fenyx. 

Luckily, I had an athletic background coming into my aerial career that led me with a little bit of needed flexibility and core strength, but that doesn't mean much when you figure out how different aerial arts are from any sport you have tried. We use muscles you've never really engaged or maybe haven't ever used together as a unit. Don't let that freak you out though! It is the most rewarding feeling when you see yourself getting stronger or when something clicks in your head and makes that certain muscle engage! 

At Fenyx, I felt so at home right away. Not only because i've naturally been a gym rat my whole life, but because the staff is absolutely amazing. The day you enter the gym you become our family and we will encourage and support you no matter what level you are on. Never be ashamed that you're new or just not super strong yet. Our goal is to help you reach your goals. Your coach at Fenyx will want to know all about you, meaning they care about you, and for being new, that is the best feeling ever. Classes are run by levels and modified when needed, coaches will condition you but also evaluate your strength and flexibility to give you shapes and tricks that meet the level of what your body can do. From there, you can only grow and fall more in love with the sport. 

I will always encourage anybody who is curious to at least try one beginner or open level conditioning class. Don't be too intimidated by the long beautiful silks hanging from the ceiling because I promise it is so easy to become addicted to climbing and twisting up in them. Aerial is beautiful and easily gives you confidence in yourself, so don't miss out! I always look forward to seeing new people come in through our doors, and maybe the next will be you. :)